![workshop image](https://bioinformatics.hyphendevs.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/CBW_cancerDNA_icon-16-1024x1024.jpg)
Cancer research has rapidly embraced high throughput technologies and Cloud computing into its research. Large amounts of data are being created from various microarray, tissue array, and next generation sequencing platforms. Dedicated compute clouds such as the Cancer Genome Collaboratory [http://cancercollaboratory.org/] facilitate complex analyses on big cancer data sets from projects hosting their data in the Cloud, such as the ICGC and PCAWG. Now more than ever, having the informatic skills and knowledge of available bioinformatic resources specific to cancer and how to access and use available data sets in the Cloud is critical.
This 5-day workshop will cover the key bioinformatics concepts and tools required to analyze cancer genomic data sets and access and work with data sets in the Cloud.
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to:
- Visualize genomic data;
- Analyze cancer –omic data for gene expression, genome rearrangement, somatic mutations, and copy number variation;
- Analyze and conduct pathway analysis on the resultant cancer gene list;
- Integrate clinical data;
- Launch, configure, customize, and scale virtual machines (VM);
- Navigate and work with data sets from Cloud repositories; and
- Follow best practices in data and workflow management.
This workshop is intended for clinical researchers, researcher scientists, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students with cancer genomics research projects.
Module 01: Introduction to Cancer Genomics (Trevor Pugh)
Module 02: Data, formats and Databases R(ichard de Borja)
Module 03: Genome Alignment + Assembly (Matthieu Bourgey)
Module 04: Somatic Genomic Alterations (Sorana Morrissy)
Module 05: Single Cell Genomics – DNA (Andrew McPherson)
Module 06: Gene Expression Profiling (Florence Cavalli)
Module 07: Single cell Genomics – RNA (Trevor Pugh)
Module 08: Genes to Pathways (Veronique Voisin)
Module 09: Variants to Networks (Robin Haw)
Module 10: Integration of Clinical Data (Lauren Erdman)
Module 11: Multi-omic data integration (Shraddha Pai)
Duration: 5 days
Start: Jun 07, 2021
End: Jun 11, 2021
Status: Registration Closed
Workshop Ended
Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops promotes open access. Past workshop content is available under a Creative Commons License.
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